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How To Wind Your Clock

Most clocks need to be wound once a week. If you have a weight-driven clock, check the cable or line is not tangled and is properly seated in the groove in the pulley. Generally, the heaviest weight goes on the right side, the next heaviest weight on the left, and the lightest one in the centre. Many clocks use similar weights on the left, or left and centre. Always put the heaviest weight on the right.When winding a weight-driven clock, turn the Key slowly to raise the weight. Make sure the cable doesn’t tangle, and stop winding just before the pulley at the top of the weight moves out of sight.When winding a spring-driven clock, turn each winding point until it is tight, and you can feel that it’s at the end of its travel. If you stop short of a full wind, the clock may stop running or chiming before it should.